Stratigraphic geology Charles Robert Darwin


, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015, and DOTT, Robert H. Jr, Geosciences, University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1215 W. Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706

Although most people think of Charles Darwin as a biologist and associate him almost exclusively with the theory of the evolution of species, Darwin was first, if not foremost, a geologist. He was heavily influenced by Adam Sedgwick and Charles Lyell and became an established geologist during his 5-year voyage on HMS Beagle. In his letters and notebooks, Darwin frequently referred to himself as a geologist, "I a geologist have illdefined notion of land covered with ocean..." (Darwin notebook M. No. 40, 1838). Darwin belonged to the Geological Society of London and was elected Secretary of the society in 1838. Along with his geologic observations, geologic cross sections, and stratigraphic and geomorphic sketches, Darwin also produced the first geological map of southern South America. Darwin published more than 20 geology articles and in 1859, the same year as the publication of Origin of Species, he was awarded the Wollaston Medal--the highest honor bestowed by the Geological Society of London in recognition of his scientific contributions to the field of Geology. In fact, it appears that his push to disseminate his geological work, including the three geology volumes of the Beagle Voyage and related geology texts and articles, delayed the publication of Origin of Species. Within his notebooks, correspondence and publications there are numerous examples of Darwin's insatiable curiosity of landscape evolution and surface processes. For instance, Darwin's interpretation of the evolution of volcanic island atolls forming as land sunk and his measurements of raised marine terraces in South America and elsewhere attests to his interest in the monitoring of evolution of landscapes over time. Darwin understood evolution first of landscapes and only later of species.


The complete works of Charles Darwin online

by pelon

This site currently contains more than 50,000 searchable text pages and 40,000 images of both publications and handwritten manuscripts. There is also the most comprehensive Darwin bibliography ever published and the largest manuscript catalogue ever assembled. More than 150 ancillary texts are also included, ranging from secondary reference works to contemporary reviews, obituaries, published descriptions of Darwin's Beagle specimens and important related works for understanding Darwin's context.
Most of the editions provided here appear online for the first time such as the first editions of Journal of Researches [or Voyage of the Beagle] (1839), The descent of Man...

H.M.S. Beagle, the famous ship that

by garyd777

Took Charles Darwin on his 1831-1836 voyage around the world, had a rather mundane history following her return to England.
She was transferred by the British Navy to the Customs and Excise Department and was used to catch smugglers along the southeast coast of England.
The Beagle was finally sold for scrap in 1870 after 50 years of service.


by GodAlmighty

Charles Darwin confesses evolution is a hoax: We received an E-mail in 2003-SEP which said that evolution is a hoax. Darwin just "thought it up" and presented it as truth even though he knew it had no evidence to back it up. It is doubtful that anyone reading Darwin's books (On the origin of species, The descent of man, The voyage of the Beagle: Charles Darwin's Journal of Researchers, Charles Darwin's Zoology Notes and Specimen Lists from H.M.S. Beagle, and his autobiography) could come to this conclusion. His finding that evolution happened and happens through natural selection is based on a massive number of observations of nature

"In China We Can Criticize Darwin": Prelude

— Discovery Institute
In his February lecture at the Burke Museum of the University of Washington, Chen described many of the Chengjiang fossils and argued that their abrupt appearance in the early Cambrian was a problem for Darwinian evolution.


Ray Eston Smith Jr
What are the fundamental laws of social morality?

Here's what I think:

First Law. Don't initiate force or fraud. This is absolutely true because people will not voluntarily associate with anyone who coerces or defrauds them. If a group of people don't obey this law, then they aren't voluntarily associated, therefore they are not a society, therefore social morality does not apply to them, anymore than it applies to rocks and trees.

Second Law. There are no other laws, because any other law would violate the first law.

Note: I am distinguishing between social morality, which people enforce on each other…

I don't think there are really any laws of social morality it is just social order.

Few scientists and religious scholars have seriously pondered how science and religion can be reconciled. But times are changing. Not long ago I attended two meetings that brought together scientists, theologians, and religious scholars to discuss just that issue. The first gathering was part of the Science and the Spiritual Quest II program ( sponsored by the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences in Berkeley, California. The other was organized by the American Association for the…

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